Homogenizer drives are used as a source of motor for dis-aggregating tissue samples into individual cells. The drive motor can be set to a special RPM depending on the type of cell being used. The drives are typically bolted to an upright stand for support during the operation. Our stand is for general purpose, however any lab stand would be appropriate. Stand is sold separately. (stand 1981-30000)
bellcoglass是制药和生物技术行业的实验室玻璃器皿和设备的家族企业。我们已针对新的ISO 9001:2015建立了ISO质量管理体系。对质量的承诺是我们在Bellco Glass进行销售和制造业务的标志。我们设计和制造一些可用于全球生物技术行业的最优质的产品。